
Erdos.jl includes the following distance measurements:

# Erdos.centerMethod.

center(g, distmx=ConstEdgeMap(g,1))

Returns the set of all vertices whose eccentricity is equal to the graph's radius (that is, the set of vertices with the smallest eccentricity).

Eventually a vector all_ecc contain the eccentricity of each node can be passed as argument.

See eccentricities.


# Erdos.diameterFunction.

diameter(g, distmx=ConstEdgeMap(g,1))

Returns the maximum distance between any two vertices in g. Distances between two adjacent nodes are given by distmx.

See also eccentricities, radius.


# Erdos.eccentricitiesFunction.

eccentricities(g, distmx=ConstEdgeMap(g,1))
eccentricities(g, vs, distmx=ConstEdgeMap(g,1))

Returns [eccentricity(g,v,distmx) for v in vs]. When vs it is not supplied, considers all node in the graph.

See also eccentricity.

Note: the eccentricity vector returned by eccentricity may be eventually used as input in some eccentricity related measures (periphery, center).


# Erdos.eccentricityFunction.

eccentricity(g, v, distmx=ConstEdgeMap(g,1))

Calculates the eccentricity[ies] of a vertex v, An optional matrix of edge distances may be supplied.

The eccentricity of a vertex is the maximum shortest-path distance between it and all other vertices in the graph.


# Erdos.peripheryMethod.

periphery(g, distmx=ConstEdgeMap(g,1))

Returns the set of all vertices whose eccentricity is equal to the graph's diameter (that is, the set of vertices with the largest eccentricity).

Eventually a vector all_ecc contain the eccentricity of each node can be passed as argument.

See eccentricities.


# Erdos.radiusFunction.

radius(g, distmx=ConstEdgeMap(g,1))

Returns the minimum distance between any two vertices in g. Distances between two adjacent nodes are given by distmx.

See eccentricities, diameter.


# Erdos.BoundedMinkowskiCostMethod.

Similar to MinkowskiCost, but ensures costs smaller than 2τ.


# Erdos.MinkowskiCostMethod.

For labels μ₁ on the vertices of graph G₁ and labels μ₂ on the vertices of graph G₂, compute the p-norm cost of substituting vertex u ∈ G₁ by vertex v ∈ G₂.


# Erdos.edit_distanceMethod.

edit_distance(G₁, G₂;

Computes the edit distance between graphs G₁ and G₂.

Returns the minimum edit cost and edit path to transform graph G₁ into graph G₂. An edit path consists of a sequence of pairs of vertices (u,v) ∈ [0,|G₁|] × [0,|G₂|] representing vertex operations:

  • (0,v): insertion of vertex v ∈ G₂
  • (u,0): deletion of vertex u ∈ G₁
  • (u>0,v>0): substitution of vertex u ∈ G₁ by vertex v ∈ G₂

By default, the algorithm uses constant operation costs. The user can provide classical Minkowski costs computed from vertex labels μ₁ (for G₁) and μ₂ (for G₂) in order to further guide the search, for example:

edit_distance(G₁, G₂, subst_cost=MinkowskiCost(μ₁, μ₂))

A custom heuristic can be provided to the A* search in case the default heuristic is not satisfactory. Performance tips: ––––––––-

  • Given two graphs $|G₁| < |G₂|$, edit_distance(G₁, G₂) is faster to

compute than edit_distance(G₂, G₁). Consider swapping the arguments if involved costs are symmetric.

  • The use of simple Minkowski costs can improve performance considerably.
  • Exploit vertex attributes when designing operation costs.

For further details, please refer to:

RIESEN, K., 2015. Structural Pattern Recognition with Graph Edit Distance: Approximation Algorithms and Applications. (Chapter 2)

Author: Júlio Hoffimann Mendes (juliohm@stanford.edu)
