Deterministic Graph Generators

Static Graphs

Erdos.jl implements a collection of classic graph generators:

# Erdos.BinaryTreeMethod.

BinaryTree(levels, G=Graph)

Creates a binary tree with k-levels vertices are numbered 1:2^levels-1


# Erdos.CliqueGraphMethod.

CliqueGraph(k, n, G=Graph)

This function generates a graph with n k-cliques connected circularly by n edges.


# Erdos.CompleteBipartiteGraphMethod.

CompleteBipartiteGraph(n1, n2, G = Graph)

Creates a complete bipartite graph with n1+n2 vertices. It has edges connecting each pair of vertices in the two sets.


# Erdos.CompleteDiGraphMethod.

CompleteDiGraph(n, G = DiGraph)

Creates a complete digraph with n vertices. A complete digraph has edges connecting each pair of vertices (both an ingoing and outgoing edge).


# Erdos.CompleteGraphMethod.

CompleteGraph(n, G = Graph)

Creates a complete graph of type G with n vertices. A complete graph has edges connecting each pair of vertices.


# Erdos.CycleDiGraphMethod.

Creates a cycle digraph with n vertices. A cycle digraph is a closed path digraph.


# Erdos.CycleGraphMethod.

CycleGraph(n, G=Graph)

Creates a cycle graph with n vertices. A cycle graph is a closed path graph.


# Erdos.DoubleBinaryTreeMethod.

DoubleBinaryTree(levels, G=Graph)

Create a double complete binary tree with k-levels used as an example for spectral clustering by Guattery and Miller 1998.


# Erdos.GridMethod.

Grid(dims::AbstractVector, G=Graph; periodic=false)

Creates a d-dimensional cubic lattice, with d=length(dims) and length dims[i] in dimension i. If periodic=true the resulting lattice will have periodic boundary condition in each dimension.


# Erdos.PathDiGraphMethod.

PathDiGraph(n, G = DiGraph)

Creates a path digraph with n vertices. A path graph connects each successive vertex by a single directed edge.


# Erdos.PathGraphMethod.

PathGraph(n, G = Graph)

Creates a path graph with n vertices. A path graph connects each successive vertex by a single edge.


# Erdos.RoachGraphMethod.

The Roach Graph from Guattery and Miller 1998


# Erdos.StarDiGraphMethod.

Creates a star digraph with n vertices. A star digraph has a central vertex with directed edges to every other vertex.


# Erdos.StarGraphMethod.

StarGraph(n, G = Graph)

Creates a star graph with n vertices. A star graph has a central vertex with edges to each other vertex.


# Erdos.WheelDiGraphMethod.

Creates a wheel digraph with n vertices. A wheel graph is a star digraph with the outer vertices connected via a closed path graph.


# Erdos.WheelGraphMethod.

WheelGraph(n, G=Graph)

Creates a wheel graph with n vertices. A wheel graph is a star graph with the outer vertices connected via a closed path graph.


Small Graphs

Other classical graphs can be generated by the following function:

# Erdos.digraphMethod.

digraph{G<:AGraph}(n, edgelist::Vector{Tuple{Int,Int}},
    G = Graph)

Build a digraph with n vertices, type G, and given edgelist.


# Erdos.digraphMethod.

digraph(s::Symbol, G = DiGraph)

Creates a notorious digraph s of type G. Admissible values for s are:

s graph type
:truncatedtetrahedron A skeleton of the truncated tetrahedron digraph.


# Erdos.graphMethod.

graph{G<:AGraph}(n, edgelist::Vector{Tuple{Int,Int}},
    G = Graph)

Build a graph with n vertices, of type G, and given edgelist.


# Erdos.graphMethod.

graph(s::Symbol, G = Graph)

Creates a notorious graph s of type G. Admissible values for s are:

s graph type
:bull A bull graph.
:chvatal A Chvátal graph.
:cubical A Platonic cubical graph.
:desargues A Desarguesgraph.
:diamond A diamond graph.
:dodecahedral A Platonic dodecahedral graph.
:frucht A Frucht graph.
:heawood A Heawood graph.
:house A graph mimicing the classic outline of a house.
:housex A house graph, with two edges crossing the bottom square.
:icosahedral A Platonic icosahedral graph.
:krackhardtkite A Krackhardt-Kite social network graph.
:moebiuskantor A Möbius-Kantor graph.
:octahedral A Platonic octahedral graph.
:pappus A Pappus graph.
:petersen A Petersen graph.
:sedgewickmaze A simple maze graph used in Sedgewick's Algorithms in C++: Graph Algorithms (3rd ed.)
:tetrahedral A Platonic tetrahedral graph.
:truncatedcube A skeleton of the truncated cube graph.
:truncatedtetrahedron A skeleton of the truncated tetrahedron graph.
:tutte A Tutte graph.

A collection of real world graphs is available through the readgraph function.


Euclidean Graphs

Generation of random and static graphs embedded in Euclidean space.

# Erdos.euclidean_graphMethod.

euclidean_graph(points::Matrix, G; L=1., p=2., cutoff=Inf, bc=:periodic)

Given the d×N matrix points builds an Euclidean graph of N vertices according to the following procedure.

Defining the d-dimensional vectors x[i] = points[:,i], an edge between vertices i and j is inserted if norm(x[i]-x[j], p) < cutoff. In case of negative cutoff instead every edge is inserted. For p=2 we have the standard Euclidean distance. Set bc=:periodic to impose periodic boundary conditions in the box $[0,L]^d$. Set bc=:open for open boundary condition. In this case the keyword argument L will be ignored.

Returns a graph and Dict containing the distance on each edge.
