Reading and writing Graphs

Graphs may be written to I/O streams and files using the writegraph function and read with the readgraph function. Currently supported common graph formats are GraphML, GML, Gexf, DOT, Pajek .net, graph-tool gt. If fast I/O and small memory footprint is a priority, use the .gt binary format.

For network types, when using appropriate formats (e.g. .gml, .graphml, .gexf) properties of graph, vertices, and edges will be read/written as well.


julia> g = Graph(10, 20)
Graph{Int64}(10, 20)

julia> writegraph("mygraph.gml", g) #format is inferred from the extension

julia> h = readgraph("mygraph.gml")
Graph{Int64}(10, 20)

julia> g == h

julia> g = Network(10, 20)
Network(10, 20) with [] graph, [] vertex, [] edge properties

julia> gprop!(g, "A", rand());

julia> eprop!(g, "B", EdgeMap(g, e -> rand()));

julia> vprop!(g, "C", VertexMap(g, v -> rand()));

julia> writenetwork("mygraph.gml", g) #format is inferred from the extension

julia> h = readnetwork("mygraph.gml")
Network(10, 20) with ["A"] graph, ["C"] vertex, ["B"] edge properties

julia> g == h


readgraph(filename, G=Graph)
readgraph(filename, t, G=Graph; compressed=false)

Reads a graph from filename in the format t. Returns a graph of type G or the corresponding digraph/graph type. Compressed files can eventually be read.

Supported formats are :gml, :dot, :graphml, :gexf, :net, :gt.

If no format is provided, it will be inferred from filename.

readgraph(s::Symbol, G=Graph)

Read a graph identified by s from Erdos datasets collection (e.g. s=:karate). They are stored in the gt binary format in the datasets directory of the package. For a list of available graph refer to the documentation.

readnetwork(filename, G=Network)
readnetwork(filename, t, G=Network; compressed=false)

Read a network from filename in the format t. Returns a network of type G (or the corresponding directed/undirected type if needed). Compressed files can eventually be read.

Supported formats are :gml, :dot, :graphml, :gexf, :net, :gt. When possible, graph, edge, and vertex properties will be read as well.

If no format is provided, it will be inferred from the filename.

readnetwork(s::Symbol, G=Network)

Read a network identified by s from Erdos' datasets collection (e.g. s=:karate). They are stored in the gt binary format in the datasets directory of the package. For a list of available graph refer to the documentation.

writegraph(file, g)
writegraph(file, g, t; compress=false)

Save a graph g to file in the format t.

Eventually the resulting file can be compressed in the gzip format.

Currently supported formats are :gml, :graphml, :gexf, :dot, :net, :gt.

If no format is provided, it will be inferred from file along with compression.

writenetwork(file, g)
writenetwork(file, g, t; compress=false)

Save a network g to file in the format t.

Eventually the resulting file can be compressed in the gzip format.

Currently supported formats are :gml, :graphml, :gexf, :dot, :net, :gt. When possible, graph, edge, and vertex properties will be written as well.

If no format is provided, it will be inferred from file along with compression.
