Flow and Cut

Erdos.jl provides different algorithms for maximum flow and minimum cut computations.

                    capacity_matrix::AbstractMatrix{T} =
                    algorithm::AbstractFlowAlgorithm  =
                    restriction::T = zero(T)

Generic maximumflow function. The function defaults to the Push-Relabel (also called Preflow) algorithm. Alternatively, the algorithm to be used can also be specified through a keyword argument. A default capacity of 1 is assumed for each link if no capacity matrix is provided. If the restriction is bigger than 0, it is applied to capacitymatrix.

All algorithms return a tuple with

  1. the maximum flow
  2. the flow matrix
  3. the labelling associated to the minimum cut

Available algorithms are DinicAlgorithm, EdmondsKarpAlgorithm, BoykovKolmogorovAlgorithm and PushRelabelAlgorithm.

Time complexity is O(V²√E) for the push relabel algorithm.

Usage Example:

# Create a flow-graph and a capacity matrix
g = DiGraph(8)
flow_edges = [
capacity_matrix = zeros(Int, 8, 8)
for e in flow_edges
    u, v, f = e
    add_edge!(g, u, v)
    capacity_matrix[u,v] = f

# Run default maximum_flow without the capacity_matrix (assumes capacity 1. on each edge).
f, F, labels = maximum_flow(g, 1, 8)

# Run Endmonds-Karp algorithm
f, F, labels = maximum_flow(g,1,8,capacity_matrix,algorithm=EdmondsKarpAlgorithm())
minimum_cut(g, s, t, capacity_matrix=DefaultCapacity(); kws...)

Finds the s-t cut of minimal weight according to the capacities matrix on the directed graph g. The solution is found through a maximal flow algorithm. See maximum_flow for the optional arguments.

Returns a triple (f, cut, labels), where f is the weight of the cut, cut is a vector of the edges in the cut, and labels gives a partitioning of the vertices in two sets, according to the cut.


The generic multiroute_flow function will output three kinds of results:

  • When the number of routes is 0 or non-specified, the set of breaking points of

the multiroute flow is returned.

  • When the input is limited to a set of breaking points and a route value k,

only the value of the k-route flow is returned

  • Otherwise, a tuple with 1) the maximum flow and 2) the flow matrix. When the

max-flow subroutine is the Boykov-Kolmogorov algorithm, the associated mincut is returned as a third output.

When the input is a network, it requires the following arguments:

  • flow_graph::ADiGraph # the input graph
  • source::Int # the source vertex
  • target::Int # the target vertex
  • capacity_matrix::AbstractMatrix{T} # edge flow capacities with T<:Real
  • flow_algorithm::AbstractFlowAlgorithm # keyword argument for flow algorithm
  • mrf_algorithm::AbstractFlowAlgorithm # keyword argument for multiroute flow algorithm
  • routes::R<:Real # keyword argument for the number of routes

When the input is only the set of (breaking) points and the number of route, it requires the following arguments:

  • breakingpoints::Vector{Tuple{T, T, Int}}, # vector of breaking points
  • routes::R<:Real, # number of routes

When the input is the set of (breaking) points, the number of routes, and the network descriptors, it requires the following arguments:

  • breakingpoints::Vector{Tuple{T1, T1, Int}} # vector of breaking points (T1<:Real)
  • routes::R<:Real # number of routes
  • flow_graph::ADiGraph # the input graph
  • source::Int # the source vertex
  • target::Int # the target vertex
  • capacity_matrix::AbstractMatrix{T2} # optional edge flow capacities (T2<:Real)
  • flow_algorithm::AbstractFlowAlgorithm # keyword argument for algorithm

The function defaults to the Push-relabel (classical flow) and Kishimoto (multiroute) algorithms. Alternatively, the algorithms to be used can also be specified through keyword arguments. A default capacity of 1 is assumed for each link if no capacity matrix is provided.

The mrf_algorithm keyword is inforced to Extended Multiroute Flow in the following cases:

  • The number of routes is non-integer
  • The number of routes is 0 or non-specified

Usage Example :

(please consult the maxflow section for options about flowalgorithm and capacity_matrix)

# Create a flow-graph and a capacity matrix
flow_graph = DiGraph(8)
flow_edges = [
    (1, 2, 10), (1, 3, 5),  (1, 4, 15), (2, 3, 4),  (2, 5, 9),
    (2, 6, 15), (3, 4, 4),  (3, 6, 8),  (4, 7, 16), (5, 6, 15),
    (5, 8, 10), (6, 7, 15), (6, 8, 10), (7, 3, 6),  (7, 8, 10)
capacity_matrix = zeros(Int, 8, 8)
for e in flow_edges
    u, v, f = e
    add_edge!(flow_graph, u, v)
    capacity_matrix[u, v] = f

# Run default multiroute_flow with an integer number of routes = 2
f, F = multiroute_flow(flow_graph, 1, 8, capacity_matrix, routes = 2)

# Run default multiroute_flow with a noninteger number of routes = 1.5
f, F = multiroute_flow(flow_graph, 1, 8, capacity_matrix, routes = 1.5)

# Run default multiroute_flow for all the breaking points values
points = multiroute_flow(flow_graph, 1, 8, capacity_matrix)
# Then run multiroute flow algorithm for any positive number of routes
f, F = multiroute_flow(points, 1.5)
f = multiroute_flow(points, 1.5, valueonly = true)

# Run multiroute flow algorithm using Boykov-Kolmogorov algorithm as max_flow routine
f, F, labels = multiroute_flow(flow_graph, 1, 8, capacity_matrix,
               algorithm = BoykovKolmogorovAlgorithm(), routes = 2)