
Algorithms for network dismantling and influencer search.

dismantle_ci(g::AGraph, l::Integer, nrem; verbose=false)

Applies the Collective Influence (CI) heuristic of Ref. [1] with distance parameter l (tipically l=3,4). Removes a maximum of nrem vertices from g, trying to minimize the size of the maximum connected component of the resulting graph. It stops earlier if the maximum CI goes to zero.

Set verbose to true for info printing in each iteration.

Returns (gnew, vmap, remlist), where gnew is the reduced graph, vmap is a vertex map of the vertices of gnew to the old ones (see also rem_vertices!) and remlist contains the removed vertices by removal order.

For more fine grained control see dismantle_ci_init and dismantle_ci_oneiter!.


g = Graph(100, 1000)
gnew, vmap, remlist = dismantle_ci(g, l, nrem)

# or equivalently
gnew, heap, lneigs = dismantle_ci_init(g, l)

for it=1:nrem
    irem = dismantle_ci_oneiter!(gnew, heap, lneigs, l)
    irem <= 0 && break
    push!(remlist, irem)
    println("Size Max Component: ", maximum(length, connected_components(g)))
vmap = rem_vertices!(gnew, remlist)

[1] Morone F., Makse H. Influence maximization in complex networks through optimal percolation. Nature (2015)
